Informational Resources

#ReparationsSunday is December 18
#ReparationsSunday is December 18, 2022, Here are some resources for a myriad of faith traditions.

H.R. 40 Bill
To address the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a commission…

Insurrection, White Supremacy, and Religion: How Religiosity Influenced the Attempt to Overturn the Election
Religion figured centrally in the January 6, 2021, siege of the U.S. Capitol, revealing yet again…

The 50th Anniversary of Black Theology and Black Power: Looking Back, Moving Forward
This session celebrates the 50th Anniversary of James Cone’s Black Theology and…

Rightfully Linking Reparations and Liberation: Righteously Repairing Ourselves and the World
As a new and expanded round of reparations discussions and discourse take place in the public square and in the…

The Red, Black, and Green New Deal
At the Movement for Black Lives, we believe all Black people have the right to determine our own futures; where we can earn a decent living, purchase a home, raise a family and…

Justice Can’t Wait. Pass Reparations Bill Now
Voters in the November elections made clear that racial justice needs to be a priority for the next Administration. The US Congress now has an opportunity to make history. Tell US Speaker of the House of Representatives…

NAARC’s Initial Assessment of the Evanston, Illinois’ Reparations Initiative And Recommendations
At the invitation of Alderman Robin Rue Simmons and the Reparations Sub-Committee of the Evanston, Illinois…, a Team from the NAARC conducted a consultation to provide…

Anthony T. Browder — Correcting the Historical Record: OURstory vs. HIStory
Dr. Kmt Shockley and Dr. Kofi LeNiles engage in conversation with Cultural Historian, Anthony T Browder. Together they dispel myths and inform the public about the historical awareness of OURstory.

The Untold History of Native American Enslavement
Long before the trans-Atlantic African slave trade was established in North America, Europeans were conducting a trade of enslaved Indigenous peoples, beginning with Christopher Columbus on Haiti in 1492. European colonists used these enslavements as a weapon…

History: Slavery a factor behind the Tuscarora War
It is one of those uncomfortable things to admit — that the Tuscarora War of 1711-15 was fought over slavery. Yes, there were other important factors: anger over European intrusion, dishonest traders, and just-plain clashes of cultural lifestyle. But the thing that really grated…

The Fate of North Carolina Natives (who spoke Algonquian, Siouan, Iroquoian and Muscogean languages)
The Tuscarora War, and the Yamasee War that followed it in South Carolina, transformed the lives of North Carolina’s native peoples. Already weakened by disease and rapidly…

Popular Christian Pastor Says Reparations Is Only Alien To ‘White Christianity’
Duke Kwon, the leading pastor of the influential Washington, D.C. Christian church Grace Meridian Hill, recently tweeted his support for the reparations movement, saying it’s Christian to support reparations and…

“If the government had the right to free us she had a right to make some provision for us and since she did not make it soon after Emancipation she ought to make it now.”
— Callie House
Mother of the Reparations Movement